Saturday, May 14, 2011

Day ONE aka Return of the Squirts.

So I just finished my first day on the cleanse. I woke up and chugged my first cool and crisp glass, and within ten minutes I was bound for the bathroom. Holy CRAP. No, literally. This one wasn't what I had to look forward to for the rest of the cleanse for sure though because it was mostly solid. One thing about the cleanse is that since you aren't taking in any fiber or solids you really shouldn't expect anything solid to come out, but my left over tuna sandwich had to make its way out eventually. Regardless it was still pretty brutal. There we're several more runs for the bathroom at work during my 12 hours shift and each one got "runnier" so to speak. And I made the mistake of putting waaaaaay too much cayenne pepper in my first glass, about mid way through the day I felt when that made its way out. Burnt as much coming out as it did going in. (for 30 minutes or the entirety of my lunch break) So I made it through most of the day without any huge withdraws like the last time I did it. Last time I had been miserable, weak, starving, and had the worst headache. My boyfriend can attest to one thing though, I was crabby. Didn't help that he cooked something that smelled absolutely delicious, which just exacerbated my desire to eat something solid. Or when I had to make dinner for my 5 year old, who absolutely cannot wrap her head around why I wouldn't want to eat something real. She keeps asking me if I want her to make me something to eat. LOL. My insides scream yes give me food, my brain is keeping me on task. So by the end of the day, Terry had already dropped out after a few hours, and Venessa was jumping around like a kid on a sugar high! She also lost something like 3 pounds the first day. Which would put anyone on cloud nine! I have a bit of headache right now, and am thankful its a Friday and I have all weekend to get over the hardest part of the cleanse. P.S. the smooth move tea smells and tastes like black licorice. I HATE black licorice, so after being kinda nauseous this evening drinking that tea didn't help much. I'm so ready for bed, hopefully my energy and my stomach will have somewhat gotten back to normal. Looking forward to another day towards a new me! 9 more to go!

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