Sunday, May 15, 2011

Smooth Sailing

So day three is done....almost. Except for my super tasty oh so wonderfully disgusting Smooth Move tea. Ahhh just one of the many things I actually look forward to on this detox, the taste of something else. I don't know if anyone else who has done it gets super bored with the flavor but lord knows I am. I need some variety. So last night I made an attempt to go out on the MC (master cleanse). My bottled water was super tasty and I got so water wasted last night it was crazy. haha jk But near close to midnight my head, my tummy, and my bowels could take no more, it was ready for bed and I knew it. So I made my exit and steeped my tea for 15 minutes (just like the packet says) and chugged it as fast as I could. (still hate black licorice incase anyone was wondering). This morning and afternoon the bowel expulsions weren't as intense as yesterday, and I am getting sure that there can't possibly be much left. But none the less it's still coming. Just not as powerful as yesterday. My stomach is a bit upset today probably more so because of my own personal life and less from the diet. I'm not as hungry today as I had been, but that could also be from the issues at hand. Today is supposed to be the benchmark though, get passed the third day and it's smooth sailing. I'm starting to feel like that's pretty accurate as I'm not feeling half as bad as the first two days. So three down, seven to go. Feeling pretty confident, and those jeans I couldn't fit into anymore fit again (still a little snug) but they're going over my thighs (praise the Lord) Tonight my daughter wanted pizza, sure smelled good, I was so tempted to take just the smallest nibble, but thank God for my hard head, because I still haven't strayed. My partner in crime for the detox, Venessa has been on the straight and narrow as well. She hadn't been using the porcelain throne as I had been though, so yesterday she resorted to the salt water flush. She said that she had to take really slow deep breaths to keep herself from vomiting it back up. But it did the trick. She's using a different kind of laxative tea than I am and I don't believe hers is quite as effective as mine is. Perhaps she can switch it up to mine and see if she notices a difference. I'm ready for day 4 tomorrow, its a new day and a new opportunity to cleanse myself from the inside out. I'm almost out of supplies though, barely enough to get me through tomorrow so I'll have to find a way to run to Sun Harvest after class and then make it home in time to grab the kiddo, can't run out now!!! I've only been on it for 3 days, and had 6 drinks a day but yet I have almost gone through an entire 2lb bottle of organic syrup. YIKES. My tea is done steeping and I'm ready to chug and go to bed to start a new day tomorrow.

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